Protecting Human Rights, Peace and Justice in the Digital Age: Addressing Online Harassment, and Hate Speech 

The digital age brought global technology advancements across the globe. But do these advancements increase human rights and privacy protection? Exercise human rights and learn more about your rights in the digital era in this article.

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Malaya Publishing + No Hunger + Feeding Program

No Hunger: The Battle Against Hunger in the Age of the Pandemic

According to a multi-agency United Nations (U.N.) report published in 2021, global hunger and malnutrition significantly increased in 2020, with the COVID-19 pandemic likely playing a major role in this increase. Source The UN has designated one of its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as “No Hunger,” with the overarching goal of ending hunger and malnutrition

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The Economy Boost: The Value of Human-Centered Work in the Economy

The way people work and live has drastically changed in the 21st century. From technology to globalization, our working world is more complex than ever. But despite all this development, we can’t deny that many people are getting left behind. The rich get richer, while the poor get even poorer. In comes the United Nations

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Energy Transition: A Pathway to Prosperity in Overcoming Challenges and Seizing Opportunities

Energy transition means the gradual shifting of the primary energy supply. This is from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. Changing the source of our energy is one of the greatest challenges of our time. And, for good reason! There is a rising awareness of climate change and its effects. With it, governments, businesses, and households have begun the process.

As with all global endeavors, it is easier said than done. While it is ongoing, many obstacles stand in the way of this change. What does it take to achieve a complete energy transition? And is all this effort even worth it?

What’s Holding Us Back?

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Cholera Outbreak in Haiti: A Wake-up Call for Improved Water and Sanitation

After more than three years of respite, Haiti faces a public health crisis. On October 1, 2022, national authorities reported suspected cholera cases in Port-au-Prince. The next day, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a cholera outbreak in Haiti.

As of January 3, 2023, the number of reported confirmed cases has risen to more than 20,000. 79% of patients required urgent care in hospitals.

Cholera is spread through the intake of water or food with Vibrio cholerae. The lack of access to clean water and sanitation systems makes it hard to contain its spread. This highlights the country’s need for access to clean water.

In this blog, we will explore lessons learned from this outbreak. We will also see how B Corps make sustainable water systems in Haiti.

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Educational Equity: Bridging the Educational Gap Between Rich and Poor Students

Poverty and learning are often mentioned together. Why? That is mostly because most people agree that education is an avenue out of poverty.

For many, education can be the difference between a life below and above the poverty line. It can improve food security, health standards, and gender equality.

However, poverty impacts education just as much as vice versa. In fact, poverty has a direct impact on a child’s ability to learn.

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Workplace Wellness for Good Health

What comes to your mind when you hear “good health?”

For most of us, we instantly think of physical health, healthy food, and weight management.

For the United Nations, this means ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all ages — Goal 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals. Naturally, it’s easy to assume the government’s and the health care providers’ primary role in achieving SDG 3, from disease control and healthcare services to improving mortality rates.

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