The Power of 5G: Future is Now, 5G’s Role in Driving Sustainable Economic Growth

The Power of 5G revolution is here, and it’s transforming how businesses operate. From improved connection to enhanced customer experience, 5G powers a new era of the digital shift.

That’s not all. 5G could also be a vital tool for meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In particular, it can support SDG 9. SDG 9 focuses on building resilient infrastructure and creating sustainable industrialization.

Let us explore how 5G can support these goals and change business operations.

Malaya Publishing + Power of 5G


What is SDG 9?

SDG 9 is vital to the United Nations’ 17 SDGs. It involves:

  • Building resilient infrastructure
  • Promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization
  • Fostering innovation

This goal seeks to ensure universal access to modern tech. It aims to do these things:

  • Pave way for chances for economic growth
  • Reduce poverty and inequality
  • Protect the planet

By working as one to reach SDG 9, we can build a more connected, inclusive, and prosperous world.

What is 5G?: The Power of 5G

Welcome to the world of 5G. It is where industry, innovation, and infra will be more connected than ever.


5G is the latest and greatest in wireless tech. And it can help change many sectors for the better. It is a huge upgrade from 4G networks, offering these perks:

  • Ultra-high-speed broadband
  • Low latency
  • High bandwidths vital for many apps

This standard allows for remarkable levels of connection. It can pave the way for new products, services, and revenue streams. Also, this generation of wireless cellular tech can promote innovative ways to connect. Thanks to these benefits, 5G has the power to change business systems. It can also support innovation and better buildings.

1. Increased Connection

5G tech gives companies a boost of connection. This helps them gather and process data more quickly and accurately. This benefit can change entire industries.

It can do wonders in automation, robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Some examples are:

  • Factories can use 5G-connected robots to boost production efficiency and reduce downtime.
  • 5G-enabled smart sensors can help optimize supply chain management.

2. Cloud Gaming and Virtual Reality

5G infra also offers a space for new and creative services. Take cloud gaming and virtual reality, for example. These new services give companies new revenue streams and chances to grow.

As a sample, cloud gaming lets people play high-quality games on their mobile devices. This opens up a new market for game developers and publishers.


3. Improved Access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)

5G tech could raise access to ICTs. It can also open doors for companies, more so in rural and underserved areas.

Boosting ICT access can drive economic growth. It does so by creating new jobs and widening market reach. 5G tech can also connect people and companies across regions and demographics. That means it can promote inclusive and sustainable development.

Enabling Effect: 5G is the Future

The deployment of 5G infra can drive positive changes in various industries. It has an “enabling effect.” This refers to its ability to empower other industries to reach their climate goals.

5G’s high-capacity and low-latency network can help industries boost their systems. The tech can also help them reduce their carbon footprint. Now, mix it with other tech top guns like virtual systems, edge computing, AI, and, cloud computing. The prospects are endless!


Transport Sector

One example of the enabling effect of 5G can be seen in the transport sector. 5G unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been used for gas-pipe inspection. This has led to a 39% cut in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This number is compared to traditional human inspections.

Healthcare Sector

5G-enabled remote computed tomography sessions reduced GHG emissions by 99%. This cut is due to forgoing air and road travel.

Manufacturing Sector

The capabilities of low-latency and private 5G networks can support accurate operations. To be specific, it can benefit industries such as manufacturing. AI-powered smart factories can work in an optimal way. With analytics and advanced robotics, they can adjust protocols in real-time.

Using new tech requires the speed and low latency of high-band 5G. Examples include:

  • Automated guided vehicles
  • Computer-vision-assisted bin picking
  • Quality control


Retail Sector

5G-connected AI cameras have made inspections 18 times faster. They have also reduced per-unit energy use to 6% of former levels.

The potential benefits of these may raise global GDP by $1.2 trillion to $2 trillion by 2030. Now, consider the total value of connectivity across the entire global economy. It will likely be even higher.

Connectivity can impact equity and society. Suppose we help more people access data, connections, and services. Doing so may boost GDP by another $1.5 trillion to $2 trillion. This could lead to greater human potential and prosperity in developing nations.

But we must admit that many gaps still need to be bridged.

The Challenges of Implementing 5G

Using 5G tech can be daunting. Many challenges need to be overcome.

1. Cost

The cost of deploying 5G structures is high. It requires a huge upfront investment.

2. Compatibility and Interoperability Issues

5G networks are complex. That means they may not be compatible with some systems. This becomes an issue because they have to mix with existing systems.

3. Economic Value

There is the challenge of educating stakeholders on the potential of 5G tech and its benefits. Achieving economic benefits for all key players requires a joint effort.

4. Security

The security and privacy of end users are critical aspects of any wireless transmission system. The same principle goes for 5G networks.


Consider more devices connected to the network and the diversity of technologies being used. Securing the network will take a lot of work. It will require education and cooperation among all key stakeholders, such as:

  • Customers
  • Mobile network operators
  • Equipment vendors
  • Public institutions
  • Private enterprises
  • Digital start-ups
  • Other third parties

Luckily, we can address and tackle these challenges. All it takes are the right resources and experts. The right team can help companies ensure their 5G investments are a success. That way, they can reap the rewards this new tech offers.

A New Era of Success for MASMOVIL Group

Sustainable development and change may open a new era of success! MASMOVIL Group is a B Corp leading the way.

This Spanish telecoms operator offers various services. That includes fixed lines, mobile, internet, TV, and more. They cover about 98.5% of the Spanish people. That means MASMOVIL Group provides a fixed optical fiber network to nearly 26 million people.

The company also shows its strong focus on being sustainable. How? They have reached Net Zero Emissions. This means they still release some greenhouse gases. But they offset this by taking the same amount from the atmosphere. The gases are then stored for life in plants, soil, or materials.

MASMOVIL is also known for having the fastest fiber network in Spain, per nPerf research.

Investing in resilient buildings will pave the way to a more energy-efficient world. Hopefully, more groups will be inspired by the B Corp Certification. That way, we can all take action for and deliver on SDGs.

A More Sustainable Way of Living

Smart cities offer the potential for a more sustainable and efficient way of living, working, and traveling. We can do this with the power of 5G and other emerging tech. One example is the C40 Cities, a network of large cities from around the world. They are committed to addressing climate change.

In fact, they have already seen big reductions in GHG emissions from motor vehicles. To demonstrate, 30% in London, Madrid, and Berlin, and 61% in Copenhagen.

5G infra has the potential to play a huge role in crafting a more sustainable future. It can do so by promoting efficient use of resources and reducing energy use. 5G tech can also support the growth of industries and smart cities. It can change how businesses operate and add to the efforts for SDG 9.

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